Welcome to this week’s Mini Cancer Companion Podcast! This week, we’re discussing what nutritious food you should try and incorporate into your diet during and after cancer treatment
Eating the right kinds of foods before, during, and after cancer treatment can help you feel better and stay stronger. But we know it’s not that simple, is it?
There may be times during your cancer treatment when you are unable to eat as healthy as you would like. When you’re experiencing sore mouth, difficulty swallowing, and general loss of appetite, how are you supposed to keep your diet balanced and nutritious? We’ve got some tips that can help.
On this week’s episode:
- We hear from Liz Butler – a highly-experienced nutritional therapist who specialises in supporting people with cancer. With 17 years of experience, Liz tells us what five things we should keep in our diet during treatment.
Background reading:
- Check out our two-part series on managing food during the cancer journey for lots of helpful tips about what to try eating, and how to manage a variety of symptoms and side-effects.
- Then take a look at our Eating Well guide – also full of reliable information from experts and the cancer community.
- In last week’s Cancer Campion podcast episode, we spoke to Liz O’Riordan – a breast cancer surgeon and breast cancer survivor about how to tackled metallic tastes. On our main Live Better With website, we have loads products that can help combat funny tastes and help you to eat well with cancer.
We’d love to know what you think!
Email Kylie at kylie@livebetterwith.com. Tweet us @LBWCancer. Join our Facebook page at facebook.com/livebetterwith.
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