Nanotechnology could be used for metastatic cancer of the lungs and liver


A new treatment using nanotechnology has shown promising results when tested in mice.

Scientists believe this treatment could be used for metastatic cancer of the lungs and liver. 

The mice which were tested on had incurable breast cancer which had spread to the lungs, The Independent reported. Of these mice half of almost cured after eight months of follow up. 

The nanotechnology allows for cancer drugs to bypass a tumour’s ability to develop drug resistance ensuring the drug reaches its intended delivery site. The drugs are absorbed into a porous silicon material and injected into the blood stream. At the tumour, the silicon breaks down to release nanoparticles of the drug which are taken up by the tumour.

Mauro Ferrari, who led the research, has said the first trials in humans may begin as early as next year. It is thought that the delivery of the drug, as opposed to the drug its self, is what has caused such spectacular results.