The latest discussions, tips and advice from the Live Better With cancer community forum…

The Live Better With cancer community forum is an incredible family – every day you share emotional support and help each other with practical tips and advice. Here’s our roundup of some of the latest forum discussions…

Going through mastectomy - when you live alone

This month a new forum member, Ange7, asked for advice and information about what she should expect from her forthcoming mastectomy:

“As a widow living alone I’m concerned about how long the recovery period will be and how much pain to expect. Grateful for any advice.”

Going through surgery and cancer treatment is hard for anyone - but it can be especially challenging if you live alone. 

The Live Better With community was on hand to give Ange7 practical advice, but also emotional support. The forum thread contains lots of useful insights and tips.

Ange7 admitted: “I think I’ve been ‘burying my head’ a little, but now I’ve got to accept the help and accept its not an overnight fix.”

It’s well worth reading the thread if you are newly diagnosed and facing surgery or treatment. Read it here.

Avastin - what are the side effects?

Forum member JR124 posted a question:

“Hi has anyone been on Avastin? I had my 2nd cycle of it 12 days ago and find I have tummy pain and am totally wiped out! I had 6 chemo but did not feel this tired! Although not sleeping tonight!”

The forum is a good place to ask questions about side effects from particular cancer drugs, and to share your experiences with others. There’s usually somebody who has been through the same treatment. Sure enough, member Linda had some advice - and some positive encouragement - to offer:

‘Hi June, I had ovarian cancer and had avastin with chemo and twelve treatments of avastin after my initial chemo then an operation then more chemo.

It was hard going and we all get different side effects, but it has been nearly a year since my last treatment and I am feeling the best I have in years, I still have partial numb feet and get a few pains in my joints, but as time goes by I feel less of them, perhaps you feel like giving up.

But my personal opinion is stick to it, I find I am enjoying life again which I never thought I would. Good luck and take care.’

If you have concerns about particular drugs or treatment side effects, why not post your question on the forum?

Ask the Cancer Counsellor: Karin Sieger

Karin Sieger is a psychotherapist, writer and podcast host based in London. She specialises in support with the emotional and mental impact of cancer and offers help locally and globally. 

Karin has been diagnosed with breast cancer twice, and has also lost relatives and friends to the illness. The combination of her professional training and varied personal experiences makes Karin well placed to understand and assist others affected by cancer.

You can ask questions and read her answers to other forum users questions here.


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