Eating nuts

Men can reduce their risk of dying from prostate cancer by a third if they eat nuts regularly, according to a 26-year long study by Harvard Medical School.

The study looked at 6,800 men with prostate cancer and found that those eating nuts 4 or 5 times a week after diagnosis had a 34% lower mortality rate than those eating nuts less than once a month.

This is not the first study to show a positive outcome for cancer patients eating nuts. In 2009 a study showed that eating large quantities of brazil nuts helps protect against prostate cancer. This is because brazil nuts contain high levels of selenium, an antioxidant known to protect against cell damage.

Prostate cancer – key facts

  • 44,000 men in the UK diagnosed with prostate cancer every year
  • One in eight men will get prostate cancer, the risk is doubled for black men
  • 70-74 is the average age of men at diagnosis
  • 10,500 men die per year in the UK, that’s one every hour
  • 330,000 men are living with, or have survived prostate cancer

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