Victor Marston, a WWII veteran, was found to have a cancerous tumour on his bowel after he was rushed to hospital six months before his 100th birthday

Victor Marston is the oldest person to beat cancer
Victor Marston is the oldest person to beat cancer

A 99-year-old World War Two veteran has become the world’s oldest cancer survivor.

Last week Victor Marston became the oldest person known to have beaten cancer. Marston, who is six months shy of his 100th birthday, was taken into hospital with severe stomach pains on May 8, 2016. After carrying out tests on Marston, doctor’s found a deadly growth but were able to successfully operate and remove the tumour.

Having already successfully battled bowel cancer twice over the past eight years, Marston has now been given a clean bill of health by his doctors and has been discharged from hospital.

Marston said: “I can’t believe I’m the oldest cancer survivor, they tell me it’s outstanding. You hear about neglecting old people and just letting them drift away, but if you want the opportunity to carry on it’s here and they will keep you going as best they can.

“If they can cure cancer at 100, they can do anything.”

The nonagenarian added: “I’m not sure what the secret to a long life is but four years ago I was told by one of my doctors I was allowed a half pint of beer a day and I have, so maybe that’s got something to do with it.”

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