When is World Cancer Day 2018?

World Cancer Day in 2018 will fall on Sunday 4th of February. Though most types of cancer have their own cancer awareness month, World Cancer Day aims to tackle all cancers as a whole, encouraging countries, groups, and individuals to look at the global picture.

What is the World Cancer Day theme for 2018?

The World Cancer Day theme this year marks the third and final year of the ‘We Can, I Can’ campaign. Starting in 2016, this three-year theme has focused on what society and organisations can do to fight and prevent cancer (‘We Can’), and what individuals affected by cancer can do to improve their lives (‘I Can’). Activities and campaigns have focused on topics such as:

We Can:

  • Inspire action, take action
  • Preventing cancer
  • Creating healthy schools
  • Creating healthy workplaces
  • Creating healthy cities

I Can:

  • Making healthy lifestyle choices
  • Understanding that early detection saves lives
  • Asking for support
  • Returning to work
  • Taking control of your cancer journey

How can I get involved with World Cancer Day?

World Cancer Day is more than just a cancer awareness day – it’s about moving forward and making real, lasting change.

  • Share your story with others using #WorldCancerDay



  • Educate yourself and others on what needs to change. The World Cancer Day website is packed with ideas and information on every single action point from the ‘We Can, I Can’ World Cancer Day theme.


  • Write a letter to someone with cancer – even a total stranger. The wonderful Brian and Alison at From Me To You know how much a handwritten letter can mean to people going through cancer. Every donated letter they receive is sent on to a cancer patient, spreading the kindness of strangers across the world. They’re aiming to send out 100 letters for World Cancer Day – so donate your own letter to a stranger with cancer now! If you’re unsure what to write, check out our guest blog from Brian and Alison on writing to someone with cancer.